Monday, December 25, 2006
santa's little helper
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
the perils of my occupation
1) The weather: As we are mostly mobile due to the tonns of inspections we have to make, we are exposed to the elements of the unpredictable weather. It can sometimes be so bad that even the use of the umbrella is senseless.
2) The Ugly Singaporeans: Clients sometimes think that they are the kings of the world. Valuers are jus like any other professions.. we work 5 days and have proper working hours. Yet, these clients think that we are being paid tens of thousands of dollars, demanded us to inspect only on weekends or after hours. Of course, I will try not to adhere to such request. Comon' ! I'm not paid for working OT, especially on weekends!! But sometimes, there is still not much choice to these persistant brats of the society.
3) Sexual Harassment: Yup, I've been sexually harassed several times.... by man's best friends. Dog owners usually let their dogs run free as they fail to neglect the fact that not everyone likes to be in contact with their furry friends. The smaller dogs will lick your toes while the bigger ones, well, will climb as high as the waist (never mind the details)>
Sunday, December 17, 2006
cookin' cookies
I had to throw away 2 hours of work. Haiz.. tat was actually jus the beginning of a spate of bad luck I experienced over the past few days. Well, I still went on to my 2nd attempt..
This time around, the paste was just nice, but the 2nd round took me almost 4 hours to complete baking all the cookies (nice for at least 30 packets). Below are some of the pics of the finished product:
Sunday, December 10, 2006
it's the season to be stressful
Ok, so out of these many brain cracking gifts, I've already purchased 4, 1 on order and another 1 to be placing an order real soon. Frankly speaking, I'm not even sure if the presents will be suitable for the receivers. I've been drawing inspirations from a much larger context, so if you dont really enjoy the present, you hav to think bac really hard... cos I got the ideas via previous conversations.
Tat said, I'm not really counting on getting gifts that I'll definitely find useful and practical. Nonetheless, I'll still be grateful for all the tots and efforts my dear givers have put in. Just one word of advice: NO CUTIES STUFF!!!.. hmmm.. it'll be good if you can give me some Armani, Hugo, or my desired iMac 20" desktop. hehe.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
So far, hav been working non-stop from feb 2006 to now.. w/o a single holiday!!! I cant wait to be confirmed.. then i can take leave for a short trip somewhere near. On the cards will be phuket or Bangkok (again) in Jan. Colleagues are also thinkin of organising a weekend getaway to Bintan.. Heard a Genting trip is also on the cards by my Company. What a Jan 2007 it will be.... If only everything will be as smooth as the plannings... anticipating.
Haiz... PF jus told me tat i shd wait for the new Mac OS cos of the recovery function. Tat means I will hav to postpone my purchase by another 2-3 mths!! Argh... The longer I wait, the more I crave... anyway, it's good to wait now also.. cos RAM prices dropping.. so I may get cheaper deals when Leopard OS is out in Feb/ March 07. Just hope the new GST won't kick in yet.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
women's right? my foot!
Women are climbing up the corporate ladder by leaps and bounds. This is especially with the liberisation of the Women's Right movement. In Singapore, we are also not against with such a liberal movement. Take my current work place for eg. Out of the 17 in my department, only 4 are guys. Not that I'm complaining. The females in my department often provides with the much needed relief from a hectic work via avenues such as gossiping. I also learn a great deal of women and their bodily functions via their daily conversations. In a world used to be dominated by men, the valuation sector is now infested by women, literally.
Women are also climbing up the politial sector, abeilt slower in our local context. But everything is still based on merits and choices. Women are not really expected to put their family in the first place (as evident by the many working mums in my department). Now now, not women are not the only ones who is achieving eauality. Men has grown softer now (also termed as SNAG) and partake in the domestic affairs as well.
The only problem now: Women still have that same old fashion mentality of wanting a husband who is able to provide for them, at the same time be romantic, and contribute (if not dominate) to the household chores and affairs. Singaporean men are not so bad. True, they have grown much softer compared to those MCP days of the 70s. But they have become more reasonable and caring. What is with women these days of not wanting a husband who crave for stability, both in their career and relationship?
I believe the so called 'hi' standards of the Singaporean women is due to unrealistic expectations and the years of equality surpression in the past few decades. It's almost like they wanted revenge and are playing catch up. At the same time, they can't ditch their olden days mentality of a perfect husband. At the end of the day, only those who can't adapt will be sideline. That will also include those seeking relationships.
true blue yuppy??
The drinking session took us to all the road trips and ghost stories of the life of a valuer. With either redwine, beer or non-alcoholic drinks in our hands, we immersed ourselves into a frenzy of laughters and insightfulness conversations.
Can't wait for the nex gathering (almost once per month)..
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
tiring yet satisfying
Perks of my current job: Even though I wont get to fly anywhere and earn those precious Krisflyer points, I get to wake up late on certain days due to the inspection timings.... sometimes I get to knock off early due to the location and time of the inspections... The drawback: reports will be piling up when I do the inspections... I guess I will have to burn my sat very soon.
If you need or have any friends who require their apartments to be valued, please do not hesitate to contact me. YOu can check out my company website at CKS.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
bouncy curlies
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Work wise is a huge change for me as well. It's totally different from my previous job: Different industry and job nature. But since working, any OT doesnt feel OT at all. Maybe I'm still new and eager to learn bah.. Well, no one can predict the future so I might as well enjoy the feelings now..:)
Next up, I've finally joined a gym after so many years of deliberation. The gym has so far worked wonders for me since I joined last week. It must be the more frequent work out plus the use of the sauna and steam room. I feel more energised daily, and I sleep lesser each nite, averaging around 7hrs compared to my previous average of 8.5hrs. In fact, the last 2 nites I've slept only 6.5hrs. No need beauty sleep, you just need to have a great relaxing session at the sauna and steam rooms.
Oh, not forgetting the spa packages I've signed up. I've yet to go for them.. but they have no expiry dates so it's SUPER good for my unpredictable work time table. Oh, and also, I've gained weight finally!! It could be due to my decreasing metabolism rate as I grow older.. but it's the weight I almost wanted, so I dont really mind. Now eating 6 meals each weekday: Breakfast, Teabreak sandwich, Lunch, Teabreak bun, Protein shake, Dinner sandwich, Light Supper. Okok, there are 7 meals in all. Currently standing at 63.3kg with 15.2% body fat, I need to reduce another 4% to achieve that admirable 6 packs.. Well, since I've enrolled in a gym pass now, I might as well work towards that goal. haha.
There you go, my changed lifestyle... maybe after the haze is gone, I'll go swimming and jogging every weekend.
Monday, October 16, 2006
poser bod
The gym is like a fashion house sometimes, and you can clearly see the confidence level of each individuals. Muscule men will wear near to nothing singlets that expose their bods in full view, while those skinner people (like me) cover up mainly.. In the sauna and steam room where everyone's only covering their willies with a bath towel, these well-built people will usually stand in a manner that will maximise their beautiful structures while normal people like us will just sit and enjoy the heat. Take it positively, and you will find motivation to work harder. Take it negatively, and you might just stop exercising.. Just remember this: If you think you wanna show off your bod in the public, just make sure you really have one. It's really disgusting when people tried to show off their flabby figure in an arrogant manner.
Oh btw, those who think I'm too skiny, think again.. At my height, my ideal weight should be 63.2kg. I'm now at 63.3kg, with 52kg of lean muscle mass and 10 kg of body fat.. So I need to reduce that 10kg (ard 15%) by another 5% to be in the league of Vincent Ng (tat TCS actor).
Friday, October 13, 2006
nice hazy view

The beautiful skyline of our CBD area. This photo was taken from my office's pantry area, a place I will definitely visit at least a few times each working day. It's a really relaxing view: so American City feel, yet so smoothing with the European architectures. My side of the office, however, offers the view of the DHL balloon and the National Library, together with the Ritz Carlton Hotel. Never seen Singapore City view so nice before. hehe.
After almost 3 years of deliberation, I've finally joined a gym. So far, I've went 2 times, later will be my 3rd visit. Check out my gym website California Fitness . Currently, I'm having 15.2% body fat. Trying to reduce to 10%.. hehe
Sunday, October 08, 2006
nature's air purifier

Saturday, October 07, 2006
hold onto your life
A middle-aged man with a balding scalp was lying face up on the other upwards escalator! Apparently, he had fainted or lost his footing and fell backwards. His 'ta-bao' (take-away meal) was by his motionless and unconscious body. Everyone on the escalator I was standing starred in shocked. However, we couldn't do anything as our escalator was still moving upwards. Luckily, some commuters stopped that escalator that poor man was lying on, and within seconds, 4 helpful commuters rushed up to help him up. The unbelieveable part was the station's staff was not as helpful as the 4 helpful commuters. He stopped by the railings to look down, talked into his walkie-talkie, and then starting his slow motion walk towards the poor man. They started to carry the man up, with blood flowing visibily on his shiny scalp. It was only when the man was carried up to the concrete flooring that another staff came carrying a first aid box.
The moral of the story: Hold the side handle while taking an escalator. It may save your life even if you fall. Holding on will also minimise the impact of a fall.
Monday, October 02, 2006
Work was a friendly and small quarter nicely tucked in a level of the Raffles City Tower. My department is overwhelmed by female colleagues, which made me one of the very very few bachelors in the team.. haha.. Work requires me to be formal with tie... I can't imagine how I'm gonna take the heat while doing my inspections outdoors..
The ride home was equally crowded... The trains packed like sardine.. hmmm.. this is gonna be an everyday affair for me from now on..
Saturday, September 30, 2006
light in the dark

Ok, now the rest of my room.. haha.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
munch, munch, munch

Even though it was supposed to be a special day for all those borned in September, it was also a special occassion for me since everyone knows tomorrow's my last day. I had the most photo opportunity at the lunch function, more than anyone else!!

All gungho and ready to qiong for the food!! Photo with the Warehouse Department.

A pic with the guys.......

... and not forgetting a huge group of girls...
Tomorrow, I will bid these people (and lots more) goodbye. Bitter sweet, but definitely more excited then sad.
Monday, September 25, 2006
dont mess around with me
Before I can utter a word, he slammed his phone. Well, sometimes you really can't do much with uncivilised people. Even though I felt insulted, I'm glad that I got back in my own ways by forfeiting his over USD 10k advance with us(of course with my HOD's approval). Whoever says Sir Lanka is a nice and friendly place? When it comes to business, even the meekest person becomes a barbarian.
Saturday, September 23, 2006

Maybe I'll have my 2nd piece tmr..
Friday, September 22, 2006
sexually harresed??
I was pissed with the fact that I've resigned and yet have to force-contribute to the bithday fund of my bosses. My pissed? check out FORUM for all the juciy details.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
forbidden desires

Today I'll finally get to watch the Forbidden City!! I've missed it twice, both times I was in Brisbane. So exciting... with new scenes this time somemore..
I've handed over all my work stuff to my replacement. Name is Shao Hao. Now, I really feel free.. haha.. I remembered I had only 1/2 a day of learning which was spreaded over a period of 4 days. Yup, sounds impossible to some. I did most of my learnings the hard way. I was scolded ridiculously by the veteren in my department. I created lotsa errors. And I finally learned the ropes. Funny, but it all seemed so darn familiar now. It was exactly like when I first took over my role during my NS period. And now, the handing over is a deja vu to me again. Lucky I had experience in teaching.. haha.. I had handed over or trained 5 guys during my stint in NS, and had almost 1 full year of Relief Teaching experience. Shocking to some, but I have handed over all my duties in a matter of 2 half days! Now I jus need to wait for my last day to come. How I wish my boss will jus ask me to go now.. haha... I feel like I'm a sitting buddha here.. basically just surfing the net and occassionally answer questions by my understudy...
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
my most exciting day
Really quite bored here since everything has been handed over. But I think many would love to be in my shoes: Go to work but do nothing and get paid. So if you are reading this blog, please msn and chat with me!!