Wednesday, April 15, 2009

nokia versus iTouch

i so wanted to get an iPhone, but now with my new iTouch, i get to experience wat iPhone is (almost) like... and my nokia phone is nowhere near it's usability!

Advantages over Nokia
1. the wider screen
2. the better sound quality. Music just sounds soooo much better on iTouch
3. the multitude of applications and games you can install for free
4. it's interactive touch screen (granted, nokia's new models come with touch screen as well)
5. it's very wide and generous screen
6. it's super compatible with my iMac

Although iTouch does not have camera or voice recording function, it's still a dream to have it. next year, just wait for 1 more year b4 my contract with M1 expires. Then i will join Singtel for the iPhone package! cant wait.

Monday, April 13, 2009

my humble pre-birthday celebrations

hmmm.... the yuppies managed to host yet another great and fun celebration for me on Good Friday itself. we had potluck at JH and VVN's place, and i played WII for the very first time.. it was really great fun! Good to have one at home.

I made apple crumble, and it ended up as my birthday cake. hahah. so from now on, all Yuppies birthday, the birthday girl or boy has to make his or her own cake! Great fun..

1 week to go b4 my birthday... received so many greetings via FB.... also got iTouch as a present.

Thank you everyone!!!! So exciting, going to Malaysia for my birthday celebration!

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

me a grass fragrance person?

Just completed a test, with results I dont really agree:

You are the Grass-Fragrance type:

You have very strong will, not dependent on others, and gives an impression of being a lone-ranger. You are extremely curious and sensual, living a clear-headed, modern life. At first glance, you place yourself on a pedestal, and are difficult to get along. But once others talk to you, they know you are easygoing. And when the relationship develops, they realise you are affable. You have an androgynous charm, which makes you popular with all genders. But you don't like your weak side to be seen. You might look cool on the surface, but beneath it all, you are really passionate. Only people who know your true self can maintain a long-lasting relationship with you.