Monday, October 16, 2006

poser bod

Gymming can be fun! I've been visiting the various branches of California Fitness the past week after work. The sheer number of people really motivates anyone there to work harder without feeling the extreme fatigue. I've not felt my body ache in such manner on a daily basis for such a long time, and I really liked that feeling... think I'm becoming attaining Masochism soon.. haha... Don't worry friends, I'll still be as sadistic to please my fellow masochismics.

The gym is like a fashion house sometimes, and you can clearly see the confidence level of each individuals. Muscule men will wear near to nothing singlets that expose their bods in full view, while those skinner people (like me) cover up mainly.. In the sauna and steam room where everyone's only covering their willies with a bath towel, these well-built people will usually stand in a manner that will maximise their beautiful structures while normal people like us will just sit and enjoy the heat. Take it positively, and you will find motivation to work harder. Take it negatively, and you might just stop exercising.. Just remember this: If you think you wanna show off your bod in the public, just make sure you really have one. It's really disgusting when people tried to show off their flabby figure in an arrogant manner.

Oh btw, those who think I'm too skiny, think again.. At my height, my ideal weight should be 63.2kg. I'm now at 63.3kg, with 52kg of lean muscle mass and 10 kg of body fat.. So I need to reduce that 10kg (ard 15%) by another 5% to be in the league of Vincent Ng (tat TCS actor).

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