Saturday, April 12, 2008

Europa Adventura 4

I've finally arrived at one of the greatest civilisation of the world: England. Due to tight budget constraints (only had GBP 200 to spare), I found myself in a rather unenviable position to save wherever I go. First up, the famous Tube.... or should I call it the infamous Tube. The first person I talked to upon stepping outta Heathrow was the ticket seller, who happened to be supremely rude. Apparently, many of my friends who went there told me the same thing as well. Seems Singapore's so called lousy service still can manage to win London's crappy attitude hands-down anythime.

Well, day 1 was not too bad as I occupied myself with 2 back to back musicals. First up, The Lion King. The much anticipated musical has a few added scenes, and it's really amazing how you actually can related to each character even when they are supposed to be animals. With just a short break of less than 2 hrs, I had myself a 1-pounder burger for dinner before I head for another musical. The Lord of the Rings Musical cost me GBP20, a great discount since I was given the 1st row seats. A supposedly great show with great displays of special effects.. but at front row, I can't see the stage floor to fully appreciate the true beauty. Well, can't complain with that price I'm paying.

A cold, drizzling night greeted me as I made my way to the red light distric of SOHO for a short walk. The place was crowded with so many people you could almost feel the heat of the beat.. literally.. Well, didnt have budget to go into any one of those shops, so headed back to my humble hostel for a quick shower and then to bed.

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