Thursday, April 12, 2007

sweating it out

today was the day i took my IPPT, admist my recovering from my 1st ever serious flu. I was still coughing phelgm and sneezing when i took my test. It was quite an unnerving test since it was supposed to be my first one. Last year's was taken within my ICT, so the feeling was entirely different. And my flu was making things worse.

Upon registrating, I pulled out my letter of exemption, which states that I were to be excused 2 stations: chin up and sit up. However, I was told that I will still be given a FAIL grade since the system was not updated. Oh bother! Talk about inefficiencies. It's been a year since I've put this case up for complaint, and still nothing much was done. Well, at least my medical docket is on its way to the medical review board to get my excuses updated from the hard copy to the computer system.

Predictably, my shutter run scored a full 5 points, clocking a 9.6 seconds speed. My weakness in standing board jump still stucked like a sore thumb, maintaining at 216cm as with my previous IPPT session last year. My biggest surprise of the day was my 2.4km run. I was expecting a slower timing mainly due to my flu. But I've surpassed my previous IPPT time of 11.16min to clock a timing of 10.40min, eventually getting a maximum 5 points for this station. Guess I was spurred by the fact that there were quite a few slow runners just waiting for a KS me to take over. And the more I took over, the more I wanted to take over... I know, i know, super KS.. haha

Well, whether I pass or fail will have to depend on the speed of the medical board to key in those few letters into the system. I wont bet on that happenin soon, especially it took them a year before they actually started to do something.

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