2nd last day of work, but officially my last working day. Tomorrow is not a work day for me, it's my clearing day... the day I get each department to give me the clearance signature. Today also the monthly birthday celebration of all the staff borned this month. Today's buffet was especially huge, mainly due to the concidence of our lady boss' birthday as well. 3 big cakes from Secret Recipes. I only had the chocolate one, which was so rich and dense.

Even though it was supposed to be a special day for all those borned in September, it was also a special occassion for me since everyone knows tomorrow's my last day. I had the most photo opportunity at the lunch function, more than anyone else!!

All gungho and ready to qiong for the food!! Photo with the Warehouse Department.

A pic with the guys.......

... and not forgetting a huge group of girls...
Tomorrow, I will bid these people (and lots more) goodbye. Bitter sweet, but definitely more excited then sad.