Monday, March 03, 2008

a boulder in my path

Sometimes in life, you feel like giving up. But sometimes, you just push on. Strangely, some of those times you don't even have any reason what keeps you going. But you just keep pushing.

I guess for me, I'm jus pushing and pushing, hoping that someday, that boulder will be pushed away to reveal a lighted pathway. Life will be easier then. I've seen people who gave up after some tries, some even gave up with minimal effort. I know I'm not some one who gives up so easily, unless it really something not in my arena. But most of these times, I am clueless as to why I pushed on.

Right now, I'm pushing on on several aspects of life. I think now, I'm experiencing one of my most difficult pushes so far in my life journey. Injuries, pain, agonies, shocks, self-pity, inferior.. all these I've experienced. But I guess I will still continue to push on... cos I know in the end, I'll be able to move that boulder out of my way for a smoother walk path.

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