Yup, starting my annual ICT tomorrow, and will be in camp for 2 straight weeks.. To many, I guess it will be a bane to return to the army.. For me, it's almost a bitter sweet thing.. The sweet part is I finally can get away from work for a break I've not had for a long time. In fact, since I submitted my resignation letter in my ex-firm, I've not been able to take a break of more than 4 days.. Though this is not really a holiday, it's a blessing for my mental clockwork, chilling out far away from work. Of cos the bitter part is, this break is a stay in break..
Anyway, the ICT break seems to be working it's stuff.. Have been in for 2 days so far.. and my mind is getting a bit clearer already.. hopefully will be able to recover from my giddiness n headaches by the end of the ICT.. Also, with this ICT comes a break for me to plan for my ultimate leisure trip end of OCT... though i've yet to decide where to fly to yet.. But this is enuff to keep me excited at least for the next 2 months..
This ICT will also provide me with the time break to reflect on my current job.. whether it's time to pursue the nex level or to stay put for the moment.. Already, I've rejected to travel with my company on the annual company trip, this time to Tokyo. Of cos, the main reason is economics. Flying on thurs nite reaching on fri and returning sunday and have to pay $500 and sign 3 months contract thereafter.. not really much of an incentive trip lor.. The money i can spend more efficiently on my intended trip of over 10 days.. tentatively researching australia and shanghai.... and yes, travelling alone.. haha. My virgin Lone Trip... could be fun and exciting.. though the potential boredom looms.. but judging fr how my sis enjoys herself travellin alone.. i guess it's really up to the planning.. So hav to pick up speed on my research asap!!.. so exciting. haha.
Anyway, the ICT break seems to be working it's stuff.. Have been in for 2 days so far.. and my mind is getting a bit clearer already.. hopefully will be able to recover from my giddiness n headaches by the end of the ICT.. Also, with this ICT comes a break for me to plan for my ultimate leisure trip end of OCT... though i've yet to decide where to fly to yet.. But this is enuff to keep me excited at least for the next 2 months..
This ICT will also provide me with the time break to reflect on my current job.. whether it's time to pursue the nex level or to stay put for the moment.. Already, I've rejected to travel with my company on the annual company trip, this time to Tokyo. Of cos, the main reason is economics. Flying on thurs nite reaching on fri and returning sunday and have to pay $500 and sign 3 months contract thereafter.. not really much of an incentive trip lor.. The money i can spend more efficiently on my intended trip of over 10 days.. tentatively researching australia and shanghai.... and yes, travelling alone.. haha. My virgin Lone Trip... could be fun and exciting.. though the potential boredom looms.. but judging fr how my sis enjoys herself travellin alone.. i guess it's really up to the planning.. So hav to pick up speed on my research asap!!.. so exciting. haha.